Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fun with Friends & Family

On to last week's update...

On Tuesday, I got to have dinner with one of the girls from my Bible study. We met at Carabba's at 6:00 and had so much to talk about that at 10:00 we realized they were closing up and hadn't even noticed. It was such a blessing to be able to talk with someone who challenges me spiritually and reminds me of God's love and promises for me. I really hope we can do it again and often.

Saturday, my nephews Ethan and Micah had their birthday party. Their mom let me have the privilege of making their cake. Although it didn't work out as planned, I was pretty happy with the end result. I'm learning more with each cake I do, so I guess that's a good thing.

Thomas Cake

Robby looking a little like a creeper...LOL. He loves me:)

Chowing down on cake!

Love this little boy! But I somehow forgot a picture with my other little boy:(

Me with the cake

After the party, my brother Ben stayed the night with us while my parents were at a hotel. We had a blast. We took him to Applebee's (one of his favorites), played Just Dance on the Wii, played The Office game, then WATCHED The Office. He wore me out:) On the way home, he told my mom that he wishes I lived on their cul-de-sac (TOTALLY made my day).

On Sunday, we got up and went to church. I am so so grateful to be a part of a church that consistently teaches the Word of God and never fails to challenge me in my walk with God. After church, my mom, stepdad, sister and her family all came over for Sunday lunch. I made country fried steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. I LOVED having my family over and being able to cook for them &  spend time with them. I'm so thankful to have a house now where I'm able to have ten people over for lunch. At about 5:00, everyone left and it was just me and Robby. They wore us out so bad we took a two hour nap:) Then I had to get busy on my schoolwork and get ready for the reality of a Monday quickly approaching.

I don't think this week will hold quite as much excitement, but I guess you never know:)

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